

职  称:副教授
职  务:
专  业:固体力学
电子信箱: zhoujun@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
2010年3月-2011年1月:City University of HongKong, Research Associate
2014年3月-2015年2月:North Carolina State University, Research Associate
1. 小波多尺度数值计算方法及其应用
2. 颗粒系统电磁散射
3. 超导磁体失超行为研究
1. 理论力学
2. 板壳理论
3. 高等材料力学
4. 分析力学
5. 小波理论及应用(研究生)
0801 力学 080102 固体力学

1. 主持项目 2013.1.1-2016.12.31: 多场耦合、多尺度非线性系统的小波多尺度计算方法,国家自然科学基金,50万. 
2. 主持项目2009.1.1-2011.12.31:电磁结构滞后动力系统的小波理论研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,26万.


1. Jùn ZHOU*, Wankan Chan , and Justin Schwartz, Quench Detection Criteria for YBa2Cu3O7-δ Coils Monitored via a Distributed Temperature Sensor for 77 K Cases, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 28(5):4703012, 2018. (SCI) 
2. Jùn ZHOU, X. Dou, Li Xie, Scattering and attenuation of electromagnetic waves by partly charged particles, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 206:55-62, 2018. (SCI) 
3. Haichao Zhong, Jùn ZHOU*, Zhixin Du, Li Xie, A laboratory experimental study on laser attenuations by dust/sand storms, Journal of Aerosol Science, 121:31-37, 2018. (SCI) 
4. Haichao ZHONG, Jùn ZHOU*, and Li XIE, Experimental Measurement of EMWs Depolarization in S- and C-Bands Due to Sand Flux, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, 16:2345, 2017. (SCI) 
5. Li XIE, Xuqiang Dou, and Jun ZHOU*, Sizing charged particles by phase Doppler anemometry, Applied Optics, 55(12):3279, April 2016. (SCI) 
6. Li XIE, N. Bao, Y. Jiang, and Jun ZHOU, Effect of humidity on contact electrification due to collision between spherical particles, AIP Advances, 6(3):035117, March 2016. (SCI) 
7. Li XIE, Pengfei HE, Jun ZHOU*, and Daniel J. Lacks, Correlation of contact deformation with contact electrification of identical materials. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(21), 215501(2014). (SCI) 
8. Li XIE, Kui Han, Yanping Ma, and Jun ZHOU*, An electrification mechanism of sand grains based on the diffuse double layer and Hertz contact theory. Applied Physics Letters, 103, 104103 (2013). (SCI) 
9. L. Xie, G. Li, N. Bao, and Jun ZHOU*. Contact electrification by collision of homogenous particles. Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 184908 (2013). (SCI) 
10. Jun ZHOU and Li XIE*. Effect of net surface charge on particle sizing and material recognition by using phase Doppler anemometry. Applied Optics, 50(3):379-386, 2011. (SCI) 
11. Jun ZHOU, Youhe ZHOU and K.M. Liew*. Wavelet-based method for stability analysis of vibration control systems with multiple delays. Computational Mechanics, 47:161-170, 2011. (SCI) 
12. Youhe ZHOU and Jun ZHOU*. A modified wavelet approximation for multiresolution AWCM in simulating nonlinear vibration of MDOF systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197:1466-1478, 2008. (SCI) 
13. Youhe ZHOU and Jun ZHOU*. A modified wavelet approximation of deflections for solving PDEs of beams and square thin plates. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44:773-783, 2008. (SCI) 
14. Jun ZHOU and Youhe ZHOU. A new simple method of implicit time integration for dynamic problems of engineering structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 23(1):91-99, 2007. (SCI) 
15. Jun ZHOU, Youhe ZHOU. A wavelet multi-resolution collocation method for nonlinear vibration of MDOF systems. 5th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V), pp 1464-1471, 2007/6/11. (ISTP) 
16. 刘小靖, 周又和, 周俊. 一种求解时滞微分方程的小波方法. 7790cnm必发集团学报(自然科学版), 47(1), pp 87-95, 2011/2. 
17. 邓能,谢莉,周俊,恒压下Bi2223/Ag带材失超规律研究,《低温与超导》, 2015(5):44-48. 
18. 周俊,周又和,微分方程求解小波工具箱软件v2.0,软件著作权,登记号:2014SR014514,中华人民共和国国家版权局。