

职  称:副教授
职  务:
专  业:地质工程
通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号 7790cnm必发集团,730000
电子信箱: wangchong@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
1. 寒区环境、生态与冻土相互作用理论与技术
2. 盐渍土、冻土工程病害致灾机理及防治措施

1. 国能新朔铁路技术开发项目, CEZB230311937, 砒砂岩地区提升牵引变电所接地性能技术研究, 2024.03-2025.02, 在研, 主持;
2. 甘肃省高校青年博士支持项目, 2023QB-057, 季冻区盐渍土非均匀变形机理及预报模式研究, 2023.08-2024.12, 在研, 主持;
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目, lzujbky-2023-36, 季冻区盐渍土冻胀盐胀、融沉变形机理及预报模式研究, 2023.07-2025.06, 在研, 主持;
4. 甘肃省杰出青年基金, 22JR5RA392, 复杂环境下盐渍化路基灾变机理及防治措施研究, 2022.10-2025.09, 在研, 主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 41902267, 正冻条件下盐渍土体水盐运移及冻胀盐胀变形机理研究, 2020.01-2022.12, 已结题, 主持;
6. 甘肃省自然科学基金面上项目, 20JR10RA627, 冻融循环作用下盐渍土相变温度及滞回机理研究, 2021.02-2023.01, 已结题, 主持;
7. 冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金, SKLFSE201904, 盐渍土盐胀冻胀、融沉机理及预报模式研究, 2020.01-2023.12, 已结题, 主持;
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41672315, 地震作用下冻土路基随机热-动力破坏机理及可靠度研究, 2017.01-2020.12, 已结题, 参与。


1. Shuangyang Li , Bentian Yu, Qi Jiang, Huaitai Zhu, Yanfei Chen, Chong Wang*. Improvement in the freeze-thaw resistance performance of concretes by a composite phase change material. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e02934.
2. Kunyu Li, Chong Wang*, Yumo Wu Zhikun Lin, Junping Ren, Juan Gao, Shuangyang Li. Study on the supercooling and crystallization mechanism of saline soil based on thermodynamic framework. Journal of Hydrology. 2023, 628(6235):130451.
3. Chong Wang, Kunyu Li, Honghong Cai, Yumo Wu Zhikun Lin, Shuangyang Li*. Study of Supercooling Phenomena in Soil‐Water Systems Based on Nucleation Theory: Quantifying Supercooling Degree. Water Resources Research. e2023WR035935.
4. Chong Wang, Kunyu Li, Zhikun Lin, Zhijie Yang, Honghong Cai, Yuanming Lai, Shuangyang Li*. Study on the supercooling characteristics of freezing soil based on nucleation theory. Water Resources Research. e2023WR034800.
5. Shiren La, Chong Wang*. Experimental and Numerical Calculation of the Friction Performance of a Concrete Surface. Materials. 2023, 16(8):2989. 
6. Kunyu Li, Chong Wang*, Jianguo Li, Liang Xie, Yumo Wu, Shuangyang Li. Experimental and Statistical Studies of the Microstructure Characteristics of Nano-Silica-Modified Silty Clay in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(5), 3074.
7. Lianghong Shi, Shuangyang Li*, Chong Wang, Jiale Yang, Yongchun Zhao. Heat-moisture-deformation coupled processes of a canal with a berm in seasonally frozen regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2023, 207(5):103773. 
8. Hao Zhang, Chong Wang*, Zhengyan Chen, Qingyu Kang, Xiaohua Xu, Tianpeng Gao. Performance Comparison of Different Particle Size Distribution Models in the Prediction of Soil Particle Size Characteristics. Land. 2022, 11(11):2068.
9. Shuangyang Li, ChongWang*, Gen Li, Huaitai Zhu, Jing Zhang, Erfeng Ou. A novel pneumatic structure for reducing train-induced mass and heat transfers in a permafrost tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022, 130(10):104730.
10. Chong Wang, Shuangyang Li*, Yuanming Lai, Qian Chen, Xiaojia He, Hao Zhang, Xiaoyu Liu. Predicting the Soil Freezing Characteristic From the Particle Size Distribution Based on Micro‐Pore Space Geometry. Water Resources Research. 2022, 58(1): e2021WR030782. 
11. Shuangyang Li, Gen Li, Erfeng Ou, Chong Wang*. Train-induced airflow effect on coupled heat and mass transfer in a permafrost tunnel. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 135:106117. 
12. Lianghong Shi, Shuangyang Li*, Chong Wang, Yongchun Zhao, Jianyuan Zhao. Stochastic moisture-heat coupled processes of an embankment in permafrost regions. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 134:105985.
13. Shuangyang Li, Chong Wang*, Jiale Yang, Yuanming Lai, Qi Jiang, Xusheng Wan. Thermo-hydro-mechanical process and damage mechanism of a cold-region canal under coupled wetting-drying and freezing-thawing cycles. Acta Geotechnica. 2022, 17(5): 4655-4665. 
14. Shuangyang Li, Gen Li, Chong Wang*, Yuanming Lai, Jiale Yang, Zhang Jing. Optimal reinforcement for improving the thermal performance of a permafrost tunnel based on coupled heat-mass transfer. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022, 121(3):104331. 
15. Tiantian You, Shuangyang Li*, Yongqiang Guo, Chong Wang, Xiaoyu Liu, Jianyuan Zhao, Dayan Wang. A superior soil-water characteristic curve for correcting the Arya-Paris model based on particle size distribution. Journal of Hydrology. Journal of Hydrology. 2022, 613(2):128393. 
16. Chong Wang, Shuangyang Li*, Xiaojia He, Qian Chen, Hao Zhang, Xiaoyu Liu. Improved prediction of water retention characteristic based on soil gradation and clay fraction. Geoderma. 2021, 404(3):115293. 
17. Chong Wang, Shuangyang Li*, Qian Chen, Hao Zhang, Xiaoyu Liu, Xiaochuan Ren. Statistical studies on the pore characteristic of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau silty clay modified by nano-silica. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2021, 322:111175. 
18. Junping Ren, Shoulong Zhang, Chong Wang*, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Sai K. Vanapalli. The Measurement of Unfrozen Water Content and SFCC of a Coarse-Grained Volcanic Soil. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2021, doi: 10.1520/JTE20210049. 
19. Shuangyang Li, Wansheng Pei, Chong Wang*, Yuanming Lai, Lianghong Shi. Thermo-seismic performances of a unilateral two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) embankment in earthquake-prone permafrost regions. Transportation Geotechnics, 2020, 27(9):100456. 
20. Chong Wang, Yuanming Lai, Mingyi Zhang*, Shuanyang Li. A generalized thermal conductivity model of geomaterials based on micro-structures. Acta Geotechnica. 2019, 14(5): 1423-1436.
21. Chong Wang, Shuangyang Li*, Tongwei Zhang, Zhemin You. Experimental Study on Mechanical Characteristics and Fracture Patterns of Unfrozen/Freezing Saturated Coal and Sandstone. Materials. 2019, 12(6): 992.
22. Shuangyang Li, Chong Wang*, Xiangtian Xu, Lianghong Shi, Nan Yin. Experimental and statistical studies on the thermal properties of frozen clay in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Applied Clay Science. 2019, 177: 1-11.
23. Shuangyang Li, Chong Wang*, Lianghong Shi, Nan Yin. Statistical characteristics of the thermal conductivity of frozen clay at different water contents. Results in Physics, 2019, 13:102179.
24. Chong Wang, Yuanming Lai*, Fan Yu, Shuangyang Li. Estimating the freezing-thawing hysteresis of chloride saline soils based on the phase transition theory. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 135:22-33.
25. 石梁宏, 李双洋*, 王冲, 尹楠. 冻土热物理性质的统计特征及分布规律研究. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 49(12): 3060-3067.
26. Chong Wang, Yuanming Lai, Mingyi Zhang*. Estimating soil freezing characteristic curve based on pore-size distribution. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 124:1049-1060. 
27. Chong Wang, Mingyi Zhang*, Shuangyang Li. Influence of Nanosilica on the freezing and Thawing characteristics of sand, silt and silty clay. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2017, 9: 1003-1008. 
28. Liao Mengke, Lai Yuanming*, Wang Chong. A strength criterion for frozen sodium sulfate saline soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2016, 53(7): 1176-1185.
29. 王冲, 赖远明*, 尤哲敏. 温度和含水状态对岩石劈裂强度影响的试验研究. 冰川冻土. 2016, 38(5): 1317-1324.
30. 吴道勇, 赖远明*, 马勤国, 王冲. 季节冻土区水盐迁移及土体变形特性模型试验研究. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(2): 465-476.
31. Xusheng Wan, Yuanming Lai*, Chong Wang. Experiment study on the freezing temperature of sulfate saline silty soils. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2015, 26: 175-187.

[1] 王冲, 陈谦, 李坤玉, 李建国, 李双洋, 张灏, 刘啸宇. 一种基于土体微观结构的正冻土体未冻水含量的计算方法, ZL 2021 1 1414604.7, 发明专利.
[2] 王冲, 陈谦, 李建国, 李坤玉, 张灏, 刘啸宇, 游甜甜, 杨佳乐, 李双洋. 一种可区分盐渍土冻胀量与盐胀量的联合测定装置, ZL 2021 1 1180520.1, 发明专利.
[3] 李双洋, 尹振华, 王冲, 裴万胜. 冻土场地地震波周期—频度分布计算软件(V1.0), 2017, 中国国家版权局, 登记号: 2017SR257801.
[4] 李双洋, 尹振华, 王冲, 尹楠. 岩土板桩类结构综合数值仿真软件(V1.0), 2017, 中国国家版权局, 登记号: 2017SR238085.
[5] 李双洋, 尹振华, 王冲, 裴万胜. 寒区隧道围岩稳定分析软件(V1.0), 2017, 中国国家版权局, 登记号: 2017SR237433.