

职  称:教授(二级)
职  务:学院院长 西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室主任 工程力学研究所所长
专  业:工程力学 环境力学
电子信箱: huangn@lzu.edu.cn
联系电话:+86(0)931 8914569
传  真:+86(0)931 8914569
1980.09-1984.07 西北师范大学数学系,本科生,获理学学士
1987.09-1990.05 西北工业大学流体机械与流体动力学系,研究生,获工学硕士
1997.09-2002.06 7790cnm必发集团力学系,在职研究生,获理学博士
1990.09-至今 7790cnm必发集团力学系,助教(1990.09)、讲师(1993.12)、副教授(2000.12)、教授(2003.12)、博士生导师(2005.12)
2004.03-2005.08 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,博士后
2005.09-2006.08 美国农业部土壤风蚀研究所作访问学者,兼职研究员
2007.12-2008.03 德国科隆大学大气与地球物理研究所,德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)资助高级访问学者
2012.02-2012.03 日本鸟取大学干燥地区研究中心,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助高级访问学者
2006.10-2016.10 7790cnm必发集团西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室副主任
2016.11-至今 7790cnm必发集团西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室主任
2017.12-至今 7790cnm必发集团院长
5. Fortran语言程序设计(本科生54学时)
2000 教育部“高校青年骨干教师”
2002 7790cnm必发集团"研究生成果奖"
2003 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划
2004 中国力学学会“全国优秀力学教师奖”
2005 教育部“新世纪优秀人才培养计划”
2007 7790cnm必发集团“教学成果奖
2008 甘肃省“教学成果奖”
2013 甘肃省“精品课程”
2018 教育部自然科学奖一等奖

1. 戈壁地表风沙流输运特征的实验与数值模拟研究,国家自然科学基金(11772143),2018.01.01-2021.12.31,68万,项目负责人
2. 北方半干旱荒漠区沙化土地形成的物理-生物机制,国家重点研发计划一级课题(2016YFC0500901),2016.07-2020.12,270万元,课题负责人
3. 面向黑河上游水文模型集成的基于风吹雪动力学过程的积雪分布研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(91325203),2014.01-2017.12,300万元,项目负责人
4. 基于风沙两相流的机械固沙措施防护机理及优化研究,国家自然科学基金(41371034),90万元,2014.01-2017.12,项目负责人
5. 气候变化导致的极端事件动力学,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(11301301060),2013.9-2013.12,3万,项目负责人
6. 甘肃民勤风沙运动监检测及沙化防治技术集成优化与示范,国家科技支撑计划一级课题(2013BAC07B01)2013.01-2016.12,848万,主要参与人
7. 不同下垫面沙尘起扬的风洞实验与野外观测研究,国家自然科学基金(11172118),80万元,2012.01-2015.12,项目负责人
8. 风吹雪两相流及其防治研究,国家自然科学基金(40971009),56万元,2010.01-2012.12,项目负责人
9. 绿洲化、荒漠化关键物理过程及其数值仿真,国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)一级子课题(2009CB421304),2009.06-2014.06,360万元,项目负责人
10. 复杂地形下沙尘颗粒的释放和沉积,国家自然科学基金中法合作研究项目(10811130470),45万元,2009.01-2011.12,项目负责人
11. 野外风沙跃移运动随机系统的研究,国家自然科学基金(10772073),45万元,2008.01-2010.12,项目负责人
12. 地表沙尘释放过程以及沙尘暴发生机制的研究,国家自然科学基金(40571018),37万元,2006.01-2008.12,项目负责人
13. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,2006.01-2008.12,50万元,项目负责人
14. 教育部聘请外籍教师重点项目,2007.01-2007.12,3万元,项目负责人
15. 随机复杂地形与风场下的风沙流模拟,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,2007.01-2009.12,6万元,项目负责人
16. 教育部聘请外籍教师重点项目,2006.01-2006.12,3万元,项目负责人
17. 沙尘暴发生的力学机理及风沙电现象影响的研究,中科院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目,2004.01-2006.12,18万元,项目负责人
18. 风沙电现象及其机理研究,甘肃省自然科学基金,1998.01-2000.12,0.7万元,项目负责人
19. 甘肃河西走廊及其毗邻地区强沙尘暴孕灾的环境条件、形成机理和防治对策研究,甘肃省环境科学技术项目,1999.01-2001.12,2.5万元,项目负责人
20. 风沙及沙尘暴中沙电现象及其影响的研究,中科院寒区与旱区环境与工程研究所沙坡头沙漠试验站开放基金,2000.01-2003.12,2.0万元,项目负责人
21. 北半球温度变化集成算法研究,国家重点基础研究发展规划专题(2010CB950104), 2010.06-2015.06,70万元,专题负责人
22. 风沙运动的力学机理与土壤风蚀的定量评价,国家重点基础研究发展规划 “中国北方沙漠化过程及其防治研究”第二子课题,2000.10-2005.10,475万元,主要参加人
23. 风沙运动中的若干关键力学问题,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2006.01-2008.12,170万元,主要参加人


1. Guang Li, Zhengshi Wang, Ning Huang. 2018, A snow distribution model based on snowfall and snow drifting simulations in mountain area, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2018JD028434. 
2. Bin Xu, Jie Zhang, Ning Huang, Kang Gong, Yusheng Liu. 2018, Characteristics of Turbulent Aeolian Sand Movement over Straw Checkerboard Barriers and Formation Mechanisms of their Internal Erosion Form, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2017JD027786. 
3. N Huang, G L Shi. 2017, The significance of vertical moisture diffusion on drifting snow sublimation near snow surface. The Cryosphere, 11(6):3011-3021. 
4. H Jiang, C H Dun, D Tong, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2017, Sand transportation and reverse patterns over leeward face of sand dune. Geomorphology, 283:41-47. 
5. X Yin, N Huang (Corresponding author), Z S Wang. 2017, A numerical investigation into sand grain/slope bed collision. Powder Technology, 314:28–38. 
6. Z S Wang, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2017, Numerical simulation of the falling snow deposition over complex terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 122(2):980–1000. 
7. Wei He, Ning Huang (Corresponding author), Hongchao Dun, Wenbo Wang. 2017, CFD evaluation of erosion rate around a bridge near a sand dune, Journal of Physics, 822 (2017) 012044, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/822/1/012044
8. W H Sun, N Huang (Corresponding author), W He. 2017, Turbulence burst over four micro topographies in the wind tunnel. Catena, 148:138-144. 
9. W H Sun, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2017, Influence of slope gradient on the behavior of saltating sand particles in a wind tunnel. Catena, 148:145-152. 
10. K J Zhan, S Z Liu, Z H Yang, E Fang, L Zhou, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2017, Effects of sand-fixing and windbreak forests on wind flow: a synthesis of results from field experiments and numerical simulations. Journal of Arid Land, 9(1):1-12. 
11. N Huang, Z S Wang. 2016, The formation of snow streamers in the turbulent atmosphere boundary layer. Aeolian Research, 23:1-10. 
12. N Huang, X Q Dai, and J Zhang. 2016, The impacts of moisture transport on drifting snow sublimation in the saltation layer. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 52(12):1-18. 
13. J Zhang, Z J Teng, N Huang (Corresponding author), L Guo, and Y P Shao. 2016, Surface renewal as a significant mechanism for dust emission. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 16(1-24):1-22. 
14. N Huang, J Zhang. 2015, Wind-tunnel experiment on dust atmosphere-surface exchange: emission and dry deposition. Procedia IUTAM, 17:129-135. 
15. Z L Guo, N Huang, Z B Dong, R Scott Van Pelt, T M Zobeck. 2014, Wind erosion Induced soil degradation in northern China: status, measures and perspective. Sustainability, 6(12):8951-8966. 
16. H Jiang, N Huang (Corresponding author), Y J Zhu. 2014, Analysis of wind-blown sand movement over transverse dunes. Scientific Reports, 4:7114. 
17. C Wang, N Huang (Corresponding author), J Guo, B Yang. 2014, Reconstruction of the Northern Hemisphere temperature from 1500 to 1949 by optimal regional averaging method. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(34):4873-4880. 
18. X Q Dai, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, Numerical simulation of drifting snow sublimation in the saltation layer. Scientific Reports, 4(4):6611. 
19. Z Wang, S Ren, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, Saltation of non-spherical sand particles. Plos one, 9(8): e105208. 
20. W L Hu, N Huang, X Zhang. 2014, Impact of saturation on mass transfer rate between mobile and immobile waters in solute transport within aggregated soils. Journal of Hydrology, 519:3557–3565. 
21. Z S Wang, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, Numerical simulation of snowfall process in the real terrain, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII), 2014/6/21-2014/6/25, Lanzhou, China. 
22. G li, R K Wang, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, Simulation of wind-blowing snow and its impact on snow redistribution, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII), 2014/6/21-2014/6/25, Lanzhou, China. 
23. W H Sun, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, Experimental investigation on turbulence burst over different sand surface in the wind tunnel, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII), 2014/6/21-2014/6/25, Lanzhou, China. 
24. K J Zhan, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2014, The characteristics of wind flow and sand movement over nitraria nebkhas and their influence on the development of nebkhas at the edge of Minqin Oasis, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII), 2014/6/21-2014/6/25, Lanzhou, China. 
25. N Huang (Corresponding author), X P Xia, D Tong. 2013, Numerical simulation of wind sand movement in straw checkerboard barriers. The European Physical Journal E, 36(9):1-7. 
26. D Tong, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2012, Numerical simulation of saltating particles in atmospheric boundary layer over flat bed and sand ripples. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 117:16-205. 
27. X Lv, N Huang (Corresponding author), D Tong. 2012, Wind tunnel experiments on natural snow drift. Sci China Tech Sci, 55:927-938. 
28. N Huang, J Sang, K Han. 2011, A numerical simulation of the effects of snow particle shapes on blowing snow development. Journal of Geophysical research, 116: D22206. 
29. S Ren, N Huang. 2010, A numerical model of the evolution of sand saltation with consideration of two feedback mechanisms. The European Physical Journal E, 33(3):351-358. 
30. N Huang, C Wang, X Pan. 2010, Simulation of aeolian sand saltation with rotational motion. Journal of Geophysical research, 115: D22211. 
31. F Shi, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2010, Computational simulations of blown sand fluxes over the surfaces of complex microtopography. Environmental modeling and Software, 25(3):362-367. 
32. X M Wang, N Huang, Z B Dong, C X Zhang. 2009, Mineral and trace element analysis in dust fall collected in the Hexi Corridor and its significance as an indicator of environmental changes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 60(1):1-10. 
33. J Zhang, N Huang (Corresponding author). 2008, Simulation of snow drift and the effects of snow particles on wind. Modelling and simulation in engineering, 1687-5596. 
34. N Huang, G Yue, X Zheng. 2008, Numerical simulations of a dust devil and the electric field in it. Journal of Geophysical research, 113(D20):203. 
35. N Huang, F Shi, R. Scott Van Pel. 2008, The effects of slope and slope position on local and upstream fluid threshold friction velocities. Earth Surface Process and Landform, 33(12):1814-1823. 
36. N Huang, R Shan, X Zheng, 2008, Effects of the mid-air collision on sand saltation. Science in China Series G, 51(9):1416-1438. 
37. N Huang, X. J. Zheng. 2008, A numerical simulation of dust devil and electric field in it, In: Proceedings of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics. Daejeon, Korea, August. 
38. F Shi, N Huang. 2008, Some investigations into near surface wind and saltation intensity in minqin area, In: Proceedings of the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics. Daejeon, Korea, August. 
39. N Huang, Y L Zhang, and R D’Adamo. 2007, A model of the trajectories and mid-air collision probabilities of sand particles in a steady-state. Journal of Geophysical research, 112(D8):206. 
40. N Huang, X J Zheng, Y H Zhou. 2006, Simulation of wind-blown sand movement and probability density function of lift off velocities of sand particles. Journal of Geophysical research, 111(D20):006-559. 
41. N Huang, X J Zheng, Y H Zhou. 2006, A multi-objective optimization method for probability density function of lift-off speed of wind-blown sand movement. Advances in Engineering Software, 37(1):32-40. 
42. X J Zheng, N Huang (Corresponding author), Y H Zhou. 2006, The effect of electrostatic force on the evolution of sand saltation cloud. The European Physical Journal E, 19(2):129-138. 
43. Z B Dong, N Huang, X P Liu. 2005, Simulation of the probability of midair interparticle collisions in an aeolian saltating cloud. Journal of Geophysical research, 110(D24):113. 
44. X J Zheng, N Huang (Corresponding author), Y H Zhou. 2003, Laboratory measurement of electrification of wind-blown sands and simulation of its effect on sand saltation movement. Journal of Geophysical research, 108(D10):4322. 
45. N Huang, X J Zheng. 2003, Theoretical simulation of developing process of wind-blown sand movement. Key Engineering Materials, 243-244:589-594. 
46. J J Qu, N Huang. 2001, The role and significance of the Gobi Desert pavement in controlling sand movement on the cliff top near the Dunhuang Magao Grottoes. Journal of Arid Environments, 48(3):57-371. 
47. 范严伟,黄宁,马孝义,毕贵权,赵文举.2016,应用HYDRUS-1D模拟砂质夹层土壤入渗特性. 土壤,48(01):193-200. 
48. 范严伟,黄宁,马孝义.2015,层状土垂直一维入渗土壤水分运动数值模拟与验证.水土保持通报,35(01):215-219. 
49. 郭靖,黄宁,杨保.2014,球谐分析方法在全球温度场重建中的初步应用.中国沙漠,34(02):558-564. 
50. 王聪,黄宁,杨保.2014,区域优化平均法的改进及其在计算平均温度中的应用.地理科学,34(02):237-241. 
51. 王聪,黄宁(通讯联系人),郭靖,杨保.2014,区域优化平均法重建1500~1949年北半球的平均温度.科学通报,59(31):3104. 
52. 吕晓辉,黄宁(通讯联系人),郭磊,李广.2013,风吹雪廓线的风洞实验研究.力学与实践,35(01):20-25. 
53. 吕晓辉,黄宁(通讯联系人),佟鼎.2012,天然雪的风洞实验研究.中国科学:技术科学,42(05):622-634. 
54. 郑晓静,马高生,黄宁.2011,铁路挡风墙挡风效果和积沙情况分析.中国沙漠,31(01):21-27. 
55. 蒋红,佟鼎,黄宁(通讯联系人).2011,坡面地表下的风场的风洞试验与数值模拟.中国沙漠,31(3):626-631. 
56. 安磊,黄宁(通讯联系人).2011,流场中集沙仪集沙效率的数值模拟.中国沙漠,31(3):632-638. 
57. 佟鼎,黄宁(通讯联系人).2011,天然混合沙运动速度特征的风洞PIV实验.工程力学,28(7):229-237. 
58. 蒋红,佟鼎,黄宁(通讯联系人).2011,坡面风沙运动的风洞实验及数值模拟.工程力学,28(12):190-198. 
59. 马艳萍,黄宁.2011,植被与风蚀耦合动力学模型及其应用.中国沙漠,31(3):665-671. 
60. 胡五龙,黄宁.2011,溶质降解和生成对水盐运移的影响.中国沙漠,31(3):672-677. 
61. 李卓群,张洁,黄宁,邵亚平,郑晓静.2011,粉尘干沉降研究.中国沙漠,31(3):639-648. 
62. 黄宁,辜艳丹.2009,粉尘释放和沉积机制的研究进展.地球科学进展,24(11):1175-1184. 
63. 佟鼎,黄宁(通讯联系人).2009,具有沙波纹地形下风沙跃移运动的数值模拟.中国力学学会学术大会2009论文摘要集:197. 
64. 蒋红,佟鼎,黄宁(通讯联系人).2009,坡面风沙运动的风洞实验及数值模拟.中国力学学会学术大会2009论文摘要集:196. 
65. 王聪,黄宁(通讯联系人),谢莉.2009,风沙流中输沙率和颗粒流冲击行为的研究.中国力学学会学术大会2009论文摘要集:198. 
66. 佟鼎,蒋红,黄宁(通讯联系人).2008,非稳态沙波纹流场的数值模拟.计算力学学报,25(s1):29-32. 
67. 史锋,刘奇伟,黄宁(通讯联系人).2008,复杂地形下的近地层风沙运动模拟.计算力学学报,25(s1):52-57. 
68. 黄宁,任珊,郑晓静.2008,空中碰撞对风沙跃移运动的影响.中国科学G, 38(3):1-10. 
69. 黄宁,郑晓静.2007,风沙运动力学机理研究的历史进展与趋势.力学与实践,29(4):9-16. 
70. 黄宁,郑晓静.2006,风沙跃移运动发展过程及静电力影响的数值模拟.力学学报,38(2):145-152. 
71. 马高生,黄宁.2006,湍流临界起动风速的研究.7790cnm必发集团学报,42(6):131-134. 
72. 黄宁,马高生,张亚丽.2005,风场-雪粒的互馈机制与风吹雪两相流模型.中国力学学会学术大会2005论文摘要集(上):50. 
73. 张亚丽,黄宁.2005,跃移云中沙粒在空中发生碰撞概率的模拟.中国力学学会学术大会2005论文摘要集(上):51. 
74. 郑晓静,黄宁,周又和.2004,风沙运动的沙粒带电机理及其影响的研究进展.力学进展, 34(1):77-86. 
75. 屈建军,黄宁,拓万全,雷加强,董治宝,刘贤万,薛娴,俎瑞平,张克存.2005,壁风沙流结构特性及其意义.地球科学进展,20(1):19-23. 
76. 黄宁,郑晓静.2003,粒跃移云及Magnus力对床面有效粗糙度的影响.中国沙漠,23(6): 616-620. 
77. 岳高伟,黄宁,郑晓静.2003,粒形状的不规则性及静电力对起动风速的影响.中国沙漠,23(6):621-627. 
78. 黄宁,郑晓静.2002,电沙粒的跃移云数值模型.7790cnm必发集团学报,38(1):30-35. 
79. 黄宁,郑晓静.2001,沙跃移运动中的Magnus效应.7790cnm必发集团学报,37(3):19-25. 
80. 郑晓静,黄宁.2000,粒带电规律及其影响.“力学2000”学术大会论文集. 
81. 黄宁,郑晓静.2000,沙流中风沙带电现象的实验测试.科学通报, 45(20):2232-2235. 
82. 黄宁,武生智.1998,运动固相湍流边界层模型.西安矿业学院学报,18(3):163-166. 
83. 黄宁,郑晓静,陈广庭,屈建军.1998,沙尘暴对无线电波的影响的研究.中国沙漠,18(4):350-353.