

职  称:师资博士后
职  务:
专  业:固体力学
所在系所:力学与工程科学系/ 固体力学研究所
电子信箱: zhangzhiwei@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
2012.09—2016.06 武汉科技大学,工程力学,获工学学士学位
2016.09—2019.06 北京工业大学,力学,获工学硕士学位
(导师:陈沛 副教授)
2019.09—2022.06 中国科学院力学研究所,固体力学,获理学博士学位
(导师:白以龙 院士,王军 副研究员)
2022.08— 至今 7790cnm必发集团,萃英博士后
(合作导师:周又和 院士,张兴义 教授)
2022.06 中国科学院院长特别奖
2022.04 中国科学院力学研究所郭永怀一等奖学金
2021.11 博士研究生国家奖学金
2021.01 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会优秀论文奖
2019.06 北京市优秀硕士毕业生
2019.06 北京工业大学优秀硕士毕业生

1.    2016.1—2018.12  减薄晶圆损伤层残余应力和力学性能测量方法研究(国家自然科学基金项目),参与。
2.    2018.1—2021.12  采用纳米尺度堆垛层错突破单晶强度研究(国家自然科学基金项目),参与。


1. Z.W. Zhang, W. Cai, Y.H. Feng, G.H. Duan, J. Wang, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu*, “Dislocation reactions dominated pop-in events in nanoindentation of Ni-based single crystal superalloys”, Materials Characterization, 200 (2023), 112883.

2. R.H. Shi*, Y.C. Wu, F. Shuang, Z.W. Zhang, Dipolar and quadrupolar characteristics of shear transformation in two dimensional metallic glasses, Materials Today Communications, 34 (2023) 105389.

3. Z.W. Zhang, W. Cai, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu*, “Theoretical model for yield strength of monocrystalline Ni3Al by simultaneously considering the size and strain rate”, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 33 (2023), in press.

4. Z.W. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu, “Simultaneously achieving strength and ductility in Ni3Al nanowires with superlattice intrinsic stacking faults”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 215 (2022), 106953

5. Z.W. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu, “Interaction between the edge dislocation dipole pair and interfacial misfit dislocation network in Ni-based single crystal superalloys”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 228 (2021) 111128.

6. Z.W. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu, “Atomistic modeling for the extremely low and high temperature-dependent yield strength in a Ni-based single crystal superalloy”, Materials Today Communications, 27 (2021) 102451.

7. Z.W. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Wang*, R. Yang, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu, “Interaction between butterfly-like prismatic dislocation loop pairs and planar defects”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23 (2021) 10377–10383

8. Z.W. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Wang*, P. Xiao, F.J. Ke and C. Lu, “Hardening Ni3Al via complex stacking faults and twinning boundary”, Computational Materials Science, 188 (2021), 110201.

9. T Wei, Z.H. Zhang, Z.M. Wang, Q. Zhang, Y.S. Ye, J.H. Lu, Z.U. Rahman, Z.W. Zhang, “Ultrathin solid composite electrolyte based on Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12/PVDF-HFP/ LiTFSI/succinonitrile for high-performance solid-state lithium metal batteries”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (2020), 9428–9435.

10. P. Chen*, Z.W. Zhang, C.S. Liu, T. An, H.P. Yu, F. Qin, “Temperature and grain size dependences of mechanical properties of nanocrystalline copper by molecular dynamics simulation”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019), 065012.

11. P. Chen*, Z.W. Zhang, T. An, H.P. Yu, F. Qin, “Generation and distribution of residual stress during nano-grinding of monocrystalline silicon”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57 (2018), 121302.

12.  Z.W. Zhang, P. Chen*, T. An, H.P. Yu, F. Qin, “Mechanical properties of silicon in subsurface damage layer from nano-grinding studied by atomistic simulation”, AIP Advances, 8 (2018), 055223.



1. C.S. Liu, P. Chen, Z.W. Zhang, “Simulation of force, energy, and surface integrity during nanometric machining by molecular dynamics”, Machining and Tribology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2021.10, Chapter 7. ISBN: 9780128198896.



1. 张志伟, “面缺陷强韧镍基超合金的原子机制”, 中国力学大会(CCTAM-2021+1), 2022, 12.

 2. 张志伟, “Ni3Al素化增强增韧增硬的分子机制”, 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会, 北京, 2021, 3. (优秀论文奖)

 3. 张志伟, “纳米结构化镍基单晶力学性能研究”, 首届全国力学博士生学术论坛, 北京, 2020, 11.

4. P. Chen, Z.W. Zhang, F. Qin, “Study of interfacial tensile and shear strength for Cu/Ta interface by molecular dynamic simulation”, 20th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, HongKong, China, IEEE, 2019. (EI)

5. Z.W. Zhang, P. Chen, F. Qin, “Molecular dynamic simulation of grain size and work temperature effect on mechanical properties of polycrystalline copper”, 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, IEEE, 2018, 228–232. (EI)

6.  Z.W. Zhang, P. Chen, F. Qin, “Molecular dynamics simulation on subsurface damage layer during nano grinding process of silicon wafer”, 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Harbin, China, IEEE, 2017, 1133–1137. (EI)