

职  称:萃英博士后
职  务:
专  业:工程力学,环境力学
电子信箱: cyli@lzu.edu.cn
传  真:
2013.09—2017.06 7790cnm必发集团,大气科学,获理学学士学位
2017.09—2023.06 7790cnm必发集团,气候学,获理学博士学位 (导师:黄建平 院士)
2023.07— 至今 7790cnm必发集团,萃英博士后(合作导师:黄宁 教授)
2021.12 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金
2023.04 甘肃省普通高校优秀毕业生
2023.07 7790cnm必发集团优秀博士学位论文
  1. 国家自然科学基金项目 干旱半干旱气候变化机理 参与
  2. 国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目 大陆演化与季风系统演变 参与
  3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目 干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其水循环效应 参与
  4. 中科院战略性科技先导专项 青藏高原大气水塔的变化及其周边地区降水和干旱化的影响 参与
  5. 甘肃省青年科技基金 原位模拟地下/地上增温对半干旱区土壤有机碳氧化还原过程的影响 参与
  1. Li, C., J. Huang, Y. He, D. Li, and L. Ding, 2019: Atmospheric warming slowdown during 1998–2013 associated with increasing ocean heat content. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 36(11), 1188−1202.
  2. Li, C., J. Huang, L. Ding, X. Liu, H. Yu, and J. Huang. 2020: Increasing escape of oxygen from oceans under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086345.
  3. Li, C., J. Huang, L. Ding, X. Liu, D. Han and J. Huang. 2021: Estimation of Oceanic and Land Carbon Sinks Based on the Most Recent Oxygen Budget. Earths Future. e2021EF002124.
  4. Li, C., J. Huang, L. Ding, Y. Ren, L. An, X. Liu, J. Huang. 2022: The variability of air-sea O2 flux in CMIP6: implications for estimating terrestrial and oceanic carbon sinks. Advances in Atmospheric Science.
  5. Huang, J., J. Huang, X. Liu, C. Li, L. Ding, and H. Yu., 2018: The global oxygen budget and its future projection. Science Bulletin, 63(18), 1180-1186.
  6. Liu, X.., J. Huang, J. Huang, C. Li, L. Ding, W. Meng., 2020: Estimation of gridded atmospheric oxygen consumption from 1975 to 2018. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(3), 646–658.
  7. Liu, X.., J. Huang, C. Li, Y. Zhao, D. Wang, Z. Huang, and K. Yang. 2021: The role of seasonality in the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Research, Vol 195, 110874.
  8. Huang, J., X. Liu, Y. He, S. Shen, Z. Hou, S. Li, C. Li, L. Yao, and J. Huang. 2021: The oxygen cycle and a habitable Earth. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 511-528.
  9. Han, D., J. Huang, L. Ding, X. Liu, C. Li, and F. Yang. 2021: Oxygen footprint: An indicator of the anthropogenic ecosystem changes. Catena. Vol 206, 105501.
  10. Ding, L., J. Huang, C. Li, D. Han, X. Liu, H. Li, Y. Bai, and J. Huang. 2022: Variations in terrestrial oxygen sources under climate change. Science China Earth Sciences, 65, 1-14.
  11. Han, D., J. Huang, L. Ding, G. Zhang, X. Liu, C. Li and F. Yang. 2022: Breaking the ecosystem balance over the Tibetan Plateau. Earths Future. e2022EF002890.
  12. Liu, X., J. Huang, L. Wang, X. Lian, C. Li, L. Ding, Y. Wei, S. Chen, Y. Wang, S. Li and J. Shi. 2023: “Urban Respiration” Revealed by Atmospheric O2 Measurements in an Industrial Metropolis. Environmental Science & Technology. 57, 6, 2286–2296.
  13. Liu, X., L. Wang, J. Huang, Y. Wang, C. Li, L. Ding, X. Lian and J. Shi. 2023: Revealing the Covariation of Atmospheric O2 and Pollutants in an Industrial Metropolis by Explainable Machine Learning. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
  14. 何永利,丁磊,李冬冬,黄建平,李昶豫,秘鲁.  2019. 全球变暖过程中海陆增温差异特征研究进展. 干旱气象,37(5)703-722
  15. 黄建平,刘晓岳,何永胜,沈树忠,侯增谦,李曙光,李昶豫,姚丽洁,黄季平. 2021. 氧循环与宜居地球. 中国科学地球科学,51
  16. 丁磊,黄建平,李昶豫,韩东亮,刘晓岳,李海云,白岩,黄季平. 2022. 气候变化下陆地产氧量变化. 中国科学地球科学